A 13-Month Program In Rural Development: Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders

The SBI Youth for India Fellowship offers a unique 13-month program in rural development aimed at bright young minds who are citizens of India, Overseas Citizens of India (OCI), or citizens of Nepal/Bhutan. This initiative provides an immersive experience for participants to live and work within rural communities, contributing to addressing key challenges in rural development.

The Fellowship is designed to nurture young leaders through a transformative journey, enabling them to learn from and engage with the complexities of rural India. Participants collaborate with NGO partners, local government, and community members to develop and sustain grassroots-level initiatives that address pressing issues.

The Fellowship journey unfolds across four distinct phases:

  1. UNLEARN: Participants are encouraged to shed preconceived notions and biases, embracing a mindset of openness and receptivity to new ideas and perspectives.
  2. COLLABORATE: Through collaboration with various stakeholders, including NGO partners, local government, and community members, participants work together to identify challenges and develop innovative solutions.
  3. BUILD: Participants actively engage in implementing their projects, leveraging their skills and knowledge to make tangible progress in addressing rural development challenges.
  4. SUSTAIN: The final phase focuses on ensuring the sustainability of the initiatives developed during the Fellowship period, empowering communities to continue the work initiated by the participants.

The application process consists of two stages:

Stage 1: Registration and Online Assessment – Applicants are required to fill out a registration form and complete an online assessment, including an essay-based response where they can share their story, perspectives, and intention to join the Fellowship.

Stage 2: Personal Interview – Shortlisted candidates undergo a personal interview, where the selection panel evaluates their personal characteristics and suitability for the role. Beyond academic qualifications and work experience, the panel seeks individuals who demonstrate a strong interest, passion, and commitment to rural development, along with humility, adaptability, resilience, and innovation.

The Fellowship welcomes applicants from diverse professional and academic backgrounds, provided they meet the eligibility criteria:

  • Citizens of India, Overseas Citizens of India (OCI), Citizens of Nepal/Bhutan
  • Aged between 21 and 32 years old
  • Completion of a bachelor’s degree before October 1st, 2024

Interested individuals can apply through the provided link: Apply Now.