Location :  Hyderabad

Experience : 1 to 3 years

Department: Software Asset Management (SAM) and Procurement


  1. License Compliance: Ensure software usage aligns with license terms and conditions.
  2. Software Inventory Management: Maintain accurate inventory of software assets.
  3. License Procurement: Acquire software licenses and negotiate agreements.
  4. Usage Monitoring and Optimization: Optimize software usage to reduce costs.
  5. Policy Development: Establish and enforce software usage policies.
  6. Vendor Management: Develop and maintain relationships with software vendors.
  7. Risk Management: Identify and mitigate risks associated with software assets.
  8. Contract Management: Manage software licensing contracts.
  9. Education and Training: Provide education on software licensing policies.
  10. Cost Optimization: Identify cost-saving opportunities in software usage.
  11. Documentation: Maintain comprehensive documentation of software assets.
  12. Audit Preparedness: Prepare for and respond to software audits.
  13. Reporting: Generate reports on software usage and compliance metrics.

Educational Qualifications: B.Tech

Skills Required:

  1. Knowledge of Software Licensing
  2. Analytical Skills
  3. Vendor Management
  4. Legal and Regulatory Compliance
  5. Data Management
  6. Communication Skills
  7. Risk Management
  8. Technical Knowledge
  9. Project Management
  10. Continuous Learning
  11. Attention to Detail
  12. Problem-Solving
  13. Audit Preparedness

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If you’re interested, you can apply for the position: HEXAGON IS HIRING FOR IT SOLUTIONS PRINCIPAL ENGINEER .